When It Comes To Ovarian Cyst Symptoms, Internet Research Is A Dark Bad Pool

ovarian cyst symptoms worried woman

You have a few symptoms. Abdominal pains. Maybe you find yourself with a little bit of bloating and the once in a while nausea. All these are common symptoms of ovarian cysts. But if you go to the internet to find out what exactly you may be suffering from, you may be in for a rude shock!

Something that first comes to mind

The first thing that will come to your mind when you go through the catalogue of diseases that “internet experts’ may be suggesting that you are suffering from, is pregnancy. That’s not a disease, it’s a condition. And it will be bad or good news depending on whether you want a baby or not; whether your head tells you that the father-to-be is a good gene pool or not; or some unknown reason only known to you.

If you are nowhere near the zone of wanting a lifetime baby commitment on your hands, that’s the first blood pool that the internet has drawn.

If a baby is something that you really want, you ducked the first blow. But you are not yet in the clear.

Not yet in the clear

You have nausea and a few other signs that show that you are pregnant. Great! But what about the pain. The last time you heard, pregnancies don’t always come with a load of pain. If you are naïve enough to go to turn to Google, you’ve taken the bait.

Welcome to the sea of internet inspired worry.

A blitz of hard-to-pronounce serious medical conditions

Ever heard of the term preeclampsia. If you haven’t/hadn’t, don’t worry, you are not alone. It is however something that you might have run into if you happened to suffer from the common ovarian cyst symptoms of nausea and pelvic pain. Remember, simple nausea and a little bit of pelvic or abdominal pain.

Now what is preeclampsia? It’s a disease with a complicated name that can lead to serious complications. Some added side-effects of this complication include high blood pressure, changes in your blood vessels that can lead to swelling of your face, feet and ankles. It affects your vision and comes with the risks of permanently destroying your kidney and liver.

And preeclampsia is not alone. There is a host of serious and potentially fatal diseases/conditions that  the “internet experts” want you to worry about. Placental abruption, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy and a host of life-threatening diseases.

And once you go through the list, the only question that you ask yourself is: Am I going to die?

It’s just ovarian cysts

Nausea and abdominal pain. That’s all this journey started with. Simple , common and often non-threatening symptoms of ovarian cysts. But if you turn to the internet for medical advice, you are bound to end up with more questions, more worries and more nightmares that are unnecessary.

If you are having nausea and you think that you might be pregnant, go take a pregnancy test. If you are not feeling so great in your abdomen, go see your physician. There is absolutely no need to go jump into the bad dark pool of “internet expert advice”. You have done nothing wrong to deserve this torture.

Simply pick a phone and call. Don’t Google. And if you do, don’t click. It’s a bad idea. It’s bad for you.

And if you are wondering…

Ovarian cysts are common. Very common. And yes, most times, you don’t need to do anything about them( cases like these: 5 Shocking And Extreme Cases Of Large Ovarian Cysts are very very rare). Cystic growths usually disappear on their own. And in case you experience any symptoms, simply pay a visit to your doctor. Have a check-up.