What A 40 KG Monster Cyst Will Do To Your Body – Extreme Symptoms Of Large Ovarian Cysts

There are normal cysts. And there are monster cysts. Normal cysts have common ovarian cyst symptoms like nausea and vomiting, ovarian pain, a little bit of abnormal bleeding, increased frequency of urination, bloating and the likes. But a monster cyst takes ovarian cyst symptoms to a whole new level.

A 57 year old woman had one of these large ovarian cysts in her ovaries – 40 KGs (90 pounds) to be exact. And what the growth did to her body is almost unimaginable. Her case was documented in the Journal of Medical Case Reports. According to LiveScience, the following are some of the extreme effects of the presence of the cysts in the female reproductive system.

Difficult breathing symptom of large ovarian cysts

The ovarian cyst that the woman had was filled with mucus. This was nothing unusual as mucus-filled cysts are normal. The only unusual thing about the cystic growth was the fact that it was too large. This is what caused her to find it difficult to breathe.

According to Dr. Jonathan Herman, who is a an experienced obstetric surgeon in New York – he works at the Long Island Jewish Medical Center, the difficulty in breathing symptom occurred mainly because the cyst had pushed against the woman’s diaphragm.

Therefore, the diaphragm couldn’t work as it should. It reduced her ability to inhale and exhale air given that the diaphragm plays one of the most important roles in the breathing process.

The resultant effect of this was that the woman couldn’t breathe properly. Her breathing was shallow. And every time the cyst grew larger, less and less oxygen was getting into her body. All this was caused by an ovarian cyst – one big bad monster cyst.

An increasing waistline symptom

This is actually what helped the woman to discover the presence of the large cyst in her body. What happened was that she noticed that she was increasingly gaining weight for no apparent reason. This happened until she decided that it made no sense.

When she went to the doctor, she found out that she was right. Her increasing waistline had nothing to do with her diet. It was all caused by a cystic growth in her reproductive system and the more the cyst became larger, the more her waistline increased – her weight too since the cyst was very heavy.

An ultrasound came to her rescue.

Extreme heaviness in the stomach

This is a common symptom of ovarian cyst. But in this woman, the size of the cyst made it unbearable. According to LiveScience, by the time the doctors operated on the woman for ovarian cyst removal, the cyst had squished the contents of her stomach.

You can imagine how horrible it must have felt to have a 40 KG worth of foreign material in her body. It’s super-uncomfortable.

Displaced uterus

Well, the cyst was large. It needed the space. And since the female reproductive system never makes a provision for the existence of such a large mass, the cyst had to create its own space. It ended pushing the woman’s uterus out of its normal position.

The story of the woman with a large ovarian cyst continues

Unfortunately for this woman, she had to worry about more than getting rid of the cyst. The doctors who were treating her noted that the cyst showed signs of being cancerous. She therefore had to undergo rounds of chemotherapy in order to deal with the cancer.

Luckily, the cancer was at an early stage. The cancer treatment worked.
Although she ended up losing her lymph nodes, fallopian tubes and her uterus, she survived the ordeal. She survived the monster cyst. And she survived a cancer attack.

Thinking That You Are Pregnant? Not So Fast. It May Be Ovarian Cysts

There are times when ovarian cysts can be a pain – literally and figuratively. Their signs can be a nuisance. They can be downright brutal. And there are times when symptoms of ovarian cysts can be confusing.


They can make you think that you are pregnant when you are not – some women have gone to hospital thinking that they are pregnant only to find out that tiny little cysts are to blame for all their pregnancy-like sufferings.

Here are some of the most common ovarian cyst symptoms that can lead you to mistakenly believe that you are pregnant.


This is the i-want-to-vomit feeling that most women experience at the onset of pregnancy. Morning sickness is what many people call it. But it turns out that pregnancy doesn’t have a monopoly on this symptom.
Ovarian cysts can also cause nausea.


Sometimes nausea usually leads to vomiting. And sometimes it doesn’t. This varies from person to person. And it is an effect that both pregnancy and ovarian cysts have on the body of a healthy woman of a child-bearing age.

And just to add to the confusion, getting rid of the nauseafeeling or the vomiting bouts sort of involves almost similar strategies, independent of the cause of the feeling or the bouts. Nausea is nausea. And vomiting is vomiting.

And it all somehow has something to do with the hormonal swings that happens when a woman is either pregnant or when she has ovarian cysts. 

Increase in weight

There is a woman who despite her best efforts to reduce weight, noticed that she was getting bigger and bigger. On going to a doctor to get to the root of the problem, she found out that she had large ovarian cysts to blame.

There is really no secret when it comes to the effect that pregnancy has on a woman. There is the effect of hormones to contend with. The weird cravings and also the added weight of the incoming passenger. Escaping a weight gain when pregnant is almost impossible.

This is so confusing because how do you really tell the difference? Maybe not having a pregnancy glow?

Now, seriously…

Telling the difference between ovarian cysts and pregnancy

There are different ways to tell the difference between the symptomsof pregnancy and those of cysts. One way is using a pregnancy test. But a surer way is to visit a physician and have him/her perform an ultra-sound exam. There is a shape difference between an ovarian cyst and a baby. Babies also have a heartbeat. Telling the difference won’t be hard.

But now that you know, you always have to pause and think before reaching for that pregnancy kit. Is it ovarian cysts or is a pregnancy?

treatment of ovarian cysts

Having Problems With Nausea And Vomiting? Here Is Why You Should Try Ginger As A Natural Treatment

nausea and vomiting ginger natural treatment

Nausea is a common symptom of various medical conditions. It is also a common side effect of certain medications and certain medical procedures. And a sign of the existence of certain physiological abnormalities. External factors such as smells can also trigger nausea and vomiting.

ovarian cyst natural remedy

It is therefore something that a lot of women experience. And whether it manifests as a symptom of ovarian cysts, a sign of pregnancy or a side effect of chemotherapy, it is not a pretty experience. Minimizing or totally getting rid of it is therefore something that will go a long way in helping you to deal with whatever situation it is that you are dealing with.

Ginger as a natural treatment

Ginger has been touted as one of the most effective natural remedies of nausea and vomiting. A lot of studies, though not all and some are inconclusive, show that it works when it comes to making bouts of nausea and vomiting less violent. And what is better is that with ginger, the root cause of the nausea and vomiting spells almost always never matters. It almost always makes it better, or at least manageable.

Why ginger works as a natural remedy of nausea and vomiting

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, it all has something to do with what ginger contains. Shogaols and gingerols are pungent phenol compounds that boost ginger’s capacity to serve as a natural treatment. So does the suite of volatile oils that ginger contains.

Of the effective, ineffective and insufficient evidence narrative of ginger

A couple of leading publications have dealt with the issue of whether ginger is effective not only as way to treat nausea and vomiting, but also as a potent source of disease-eradicating medicinal value. And what have they found? They have found that results of various studies are contradictory at best and to an extent the evidence available is inconclusive.

The Medline Plus website says as much. It states that it is effective when it comes to treating nausea and vomiting caused by pregnancy, arthritis, periods, dizziness and surgery. For episodes that result from weight loss and motion sickness, it brands as possibly ineffective. And for vomiting and nausea caused by hangovers, chemotherapy, respiratory complications, migraines, muscle pains and other medical conditions, it classifies ginger in an insufficient-evidence class.

With the University of Maryland Medical Center website, it is pretty much the same thing. Powdered gingeris listed as having proven effective in a study when it came to reducing the severity of vomiting caused by motion sickness, but the same powder proved ineffective when it came to preventing nausea that resulted from motion sickness.
It also lists it as effective when treating nausea related to pregnancy, osteoarthritis, surgery and chemotherapy. But it is also stated that there are studies that contradict these findings.

So what now?

It is pretty simple. If you don’t have a ginger allergy and you are suffering from bouts of nausea and vomiting, it doesn’t hurt to try and see if it works for you. And let’s not forget the other health benefits that consuming ginger has.

At the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter whether your nausea and vomiting is a symptom of ovarian cysts, whether is coming about as a sign of pregnancy or whether it is a side effect of a drug, a number of studies has found ginger to be an effective treatment. It being a natural remedy, with no drug-like side effects, is just but a bonus. It doesn’t hurt - so far as finding out what works for you goes.

Ginger biscuits, anyone?

ginger biscuits as a natural remedy for nausea and vomiting?

Yes, these biscuits contain ginger. But the question is, do they contain enough of it?

Ginger biscuits are a good treat. And while using them as an excuse might pass as an excuse to indulge a guilty pleasure, it doesn’t fly so well when it comes to helping a person get rid of nausea and vomiting symptoms. At least not for a lot of people.

For some people, it might. This is so especially when the nausea and vomiting episodes have been triggered by smelling something that your smell-senses find off-putting. Or when you have eaten something that has left a bad taste in your mouth.

But filling yourself with pieces and pieces of ginger biscuits is likely to fail when nausea and vomiting is triggered by things like food poisoning, hormonal imbalances and radiation treatments.

Add to this the huge amount of sugars that you will be consuming in the process and ginger biscuits don’t make much sense as  a natural treatment of nausea and vomiting.

But it doesn’t really hurt to try. Give it a try and see if it works. If it works for you, don’t forget to keep an eye on the calories.

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