7 Large Ovarian Cysts Facts You Should Know

Ovarian cysts are common in women. However, most women never get to experience the severe symptoms that are usually associated with cysts on ovaries. This is because the cysts which most women have are rarely malignant. These cysts can however start to have negative effects on the normal functioning of a woman's body when they are left to grow.

1. Ovarian cysts cause symptoms when they become large

Large cysts usually cause a lot of complications because of their size in that they become too large to not interfere with the normal functioning of a woman's body. Therefore, while having cysts may not cause any symptoms, if you let the cysts in your ovaries to grow, they can have a negative effect on your body. 

2. Abdominal and pelvic pain caused by large cysts on ovaries

Pain from ovarian cysts is common in women whose cysts have grown. It is common for such women to experience both pelvic and abdominal pain. The pelvic pain that results will tend to radiate to one's buttocks and thighs. 

This pain is usually like that caused by other dysfunctions of the female reproductive system such as ectopic pregnancy and endometriosis. Therefore, you should make sure that you get a proper diagnosis of the cause of your pain before resorting to taking any form of treatment.

3. Large ovarian cysts and irregular menstrual cycles and abnormal bleeding

Large ovarian cysts may also be to blame for any irregularities that you are having in your menstrual cycle. They may cause abnormal bleeding that may result due to bleeding cysts. When left unattended to, such bleeding can lead to further complications that may put your life in danger. 

4. Large cysts can cause pain during sex

Sexual intercourse may also be painful if you have large cysts. This will likely cause a strain in your relationships since the resulting discomfort may make you shy away from such levels of intimacy. This may also be accompanied by periods that are painful. 

5. Fertility and the growth of cysts on ovaries

Large cysts are also known to affect a woman's fertility. This is because of the effect that cysts on ovaries have on ovulation and the process of conception, especially when it comes to implantation of the embryo.

6. Other symptoms of large ovarian cysts

Other symptoms of ovarian cysts that you may experience include having a bloated abdomen, tenderness of breasts, vomiting and nausea. These symptoms will likely affect your daily activities due to the inconvenience that they cause.

7. What you should do when cysts become painful

It is usually advisable that you seek immediate medical attention if your cysts become painful. This is because the pain may be as a result of twisting of ovaries and other such complications that when not attended to at the earliest possible time could put your life at risk. 

While there are many ways through which you can have large ovarian cysts removed, it is usually advisable that you naturally prevent their growth and development.

Do you want to learn more about ovarian cysts? Go to the  Ovarian Cyst Miracle official website, its a good place to start

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