What is an ovarian cyst? What are the symptoms of an ovarian cyst? What are the types of cysts that develop on ovaries? All these questions are easy to answer. All that one needs is a simple list or a one-sentence answer.
But the question: “ how do you get an ovarian cyst?” requires more than a list. It is a process that requires the understanding several things about the female reproductive system. It also calls for the understanding of cysts on ovaries, the different types of ovarian cysts, and ultimately what causes the cysts to develop.
The following simple 8 steps make it easier to answer the question: “how does one get an ovarian cyst?”
The following simple 8 steps make it easier to answer the question: “how does one get an ovarian cyst?”
Step 1: Knowing the basics of the female reproductive system, especially the menstrual cycle
As part of your menstrual cycle, you release an egg every month. For this to effectively happen, a follicle usually grows in your ovaries. It is this follicle that usually releases egg. It is also the part of the female reproductive system that releases the hormones, progesterone and estrogen, which control your menstrual cycle.
Source: MayoClinic
Step 2: Knowing that there are basically only 2 types of ovarian cysts
There are therefore two main processes through which cysts develop on ovaries. The first is as a result of the above process. These are called functional ovarian cysts.
The second types of cysts usually develop independent of the above process. They develop for reasons other – their development has nothing to do with the normal functioning of the reproductive system. These are usually referred to as non-functional cysts. They are also referred to as ovarian tumors.
Sources: PubMed Health ; Mayo Clinic
Step 3: Familiarizing yourself with the two ways in which functional cysts on ovaries develop
Remember the ovulation process in step 1 above? It is because of this process that functional ovarian cysts develop. And this can happen in two ways.
The follicle, which contains the egg, can fail to break open. As a result, the egg will not be released. Fluid will then build up in the follicle and thus forming a cyst. This type of ovarian cyst is what is commonly referred to as a follicular cyst.
When an ovarian follicle releases the egg, it is called a corpus luteum.
After releasing the egg, the opening of corpus luteum can seal off and thus causing fluid to accumulate inside the follicle. Continued accumulation of fluid inside this structure is what then results in what is called a corpus luteum ovarian cyst. This is the second type of functional cyst, and it usually contains a small amount of blood.
Source Mayo Clinic WebMD PubMed Health
Step 4: Accepting the fact that you can never know the reason why non-functional cysts develop, at least not yet
You can’t because doctors simply don’t. they know how some of them occur, but the actual reason why and what really causes these types of cysts, it is still a matter of speculation, or rather theory.
There are cases where proper dieting, and leading a healthy lifestyle, has produced significant results. Women with large cysts have also gotten rid of them through natural methods. Like the stories in the OvarianCyst Miracle website.
However, there are also cases where women who lead what can be called a healthy lifestyle have had cysts. In some cases, the cysts have been extremely large. Have a look at 5 extreme cases of large cysts.
So, is it genetics? Is it a matter of lifestyle? Do they occur as a result of stress? Or do ovarian cysts occur in a random manner? There is still no definite answer, further research and studies are still needed in this area.
Step 5: Knowing the common types of non-functional ovarian cysts
The fact that you don’t know why cysts form on ovaries does not mean that you cannot know anything about them. There are various types of non-functional cysts, but the most common ones are:
- Endometriomas (also known as endometrioid cyst, chocolate ovarian cyst)
they are cysts that usually develop as a result of endometriosis.
- Dermoid ovarian cysts
These usually develop from undifferentiated cells.
- Cystadenomas
These cysts develop from ovarian tissues. They tend to be filled with either mucous or a watery fluid.
Step 6: Knowing how chocolate cysts form
Chocolate ovarian cysts, which are also called endometriomas, usually occur as a result of a condition called endometriosis.
Simply put, endometriosis is a condition that is characterized with cells of the uterus lining growing on adjacent organs. When these cells grow on the ovaries, they usually result in the formation of chocolate cysts on ovaries.
Why “chocolate”? It’s because of the color of the fluid that such cysts contain. The fluid is usually dark in color, almost chocolate like in color.
Step 7: knowing something about dermoid cysts
Dermoid ovarian cysts are worth knowing about simply because of their tendency to contain other body tissues such as skin tissues, teeth, hair and thyroid tissues. This usually happens because they usually develop from cells that are undifferentiated, i.e. cells that can develop into anything.
The other thing that you should know about dermoid cysts is that they tend to grow very large in size, and thus prone to causing severe symptoms of ovarian cysts. However, studies show that they are also rarely cancerous.
Step 8: As for the other ovarian cyst types, understanding that their names are merely descriptive is enough
Twisted ovarian cysts are cysts that have twisted; large ovarian cysts are called so simply because of their size; any cyst with a name that starts with serous has a watery fluid in it and one with the word mucinous has a mucous like substance. Hemorrhagic ovarian cysts are so known because they contain blood in them. Cancerous ovarian cysts, are cysts with cells that contain cancer cells. While a stromal ovarian tumor is one which develops from its connecting tissues… And so on.
Want to learn more about ovarian cysts? Start by watching this video
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