The Top 7 Common Types Of Ovarian Cysts That Can Affect You

ovarian cysts to worry about
With statistics showing that over 80 percent of the women in the country have ovarian cysts, the chances of you having them are very high. The following are the types of cysts that you are likely to have:
Follicular Cysts
They are the most common type of cystic growths in women and they rarely cause any symptoms. They are known to gradually shrink and disappear. However, there are cases where they can continuously grow and thus becoming large cysts. In such cases, they can cause considerable pelvic pain, bloating of the abdomen and many other symptoms that are associated with having cysts in ovaries.
Corpus Luteum Cysts
This type of ovarian cyst usually develops in a woman’s ovaries when the corpus luteum fails to naturally dissolve as it should - after ovulation. The accumulation of fluids and other substances in this remnant of a follicle usually causes it to grow in size. They can also result in complications of cysts on ovaries.

Chocolate Cysts
In the medical world, they are usually known as endomitriomas or endometrioid cysts. Chocolate cyst is a name that they picked up because of the fluid that they usually contain.
These types of cysts on ovaries usually develop as a result of endometriosis, a condition that is characterized by the growth of endometrial tissues on organs adjacent to the uterus. When these tissues develop on ovaries, they are called endometriomas. When chocolate cysts rupture, a chocolate-like fluid is usually released as a vaginal discharge, hence its name.
They tend to grow on the walls of the ovary and are known to grow into large cysts. They are thus the most likely to result in most of the severe symptoms of ovarian cysts. When left to grow in size, surgical removal of the cysts may be necessary.
Dermoid Ovarian Cysts
They usually have almost any tissues imaginable. They can contain teeth, hair, pieces of thyroid tissues and even nails. This is because they usually develop from non-specialized cells which can develop into almost any tissue in the human body.
Polycystic Ovaries
As the name suggests, this condition is characterized by having many cysts in the ovaries. Such cysts tend to result into enlargened ovaries, especially when the cysts start to fill with more and more fluid.
Hemorrhagic Ovarian Cysts
These cysts have different names. They are sometimes called blood cysts, other times hematocysts and sometimes hematoceles. Their main distinguishing feature is the fact that they tend to contain blood in them.
There are many more types of ovarian cysts that can affect you as a woman. These are the top 7.

A Misdiagnosis Leads To An Unnecessary Ovarian Cyst Removal Surgical Procedure

A 27 year old woman was forced to undergo an ovarian cyst removal surgical procedure as a result of a misdiagnosis. She had been taken to a hospital after complaining of severe abdominal pains and after the doctors couldn’t find anything wrong with her, except the small cyst in her ovaries, they decided to perform surgery so as to get rid of it.
However, after surgery, the woman still continued to experience the pain. It got worse as time passed until the doctors transferred her to another health clinic. It later turned out that the ovarian cyst had nothing to do with her symptoms. It was too small to cause any side effects. The surgery was thus an unnecessary risk.
The cause of the fever and pain was later discovered to be dengue fever. The woman is currently in intensive care, still under treatment as she tries to recover from both the dengue fever and the after-effects of abdominal surgery.
One of the doctors pointed out:
"Had she not undergone the operation for cyst, she would have been strong enough to fight dengue on her own."
Of course, the doctors have something to blame: lack of proper standardized procedures to treat dengue fever!