Types Of Ovarian Cysts: It Won’t Hurt You To Know About Them

Cysts on ovaries are common in women of a childbearing age. However, most women have a limited knowledge when it comes to ovarian cysts. This is usually to no one’s advantage especially considering the health risks that women who have cysts in their ovaries are exposed to. This does not mean that every woman who has a cyst will suffer from the symptoms of ovarian cysts. All that it means is that increasing your ovarian cyst knowledge will work to your advantage since it will help you to ensure that they do not develop in your ovary and in cases where they are already present, they do not grow and thus increase in size. The following are the common types of ovarian cysts that you should know about.

Functional cysts are the most common type of ovarian cysts. They are usually regarded as normal and usually cause no side effects especially in cases where they do not become overly large. Normally, they disappear at a certain stage of a woman’s menstrual cycle. They usually shrink and disappear after a month or two and thus should not be a cause of worry. Wait-and-see is the method that most doctors usually prescribe for these types of ovarian cysts. They are normal in women who are ovulating and thus if a woman is in menopause or past this stage, the occurrence of these types of cysts may be an indication of a serious condition.

Endometriomas, commonly known as chocolate cysts, are common in women with a condition of the female reproductive system known as endometriosis. This is a condition in which cells of the endometrial lining grow in other parts of the female reproductive system such as the fallopian tubes, ovaries and sometimes even adjacent organs such as the kidneys. These types of ovarian cysts are usually filled with a thick dark brown substance and hence the reason why they are commonly referred to as chocolate cysts. Symptoms of chocolate cysts include severe pain in the abdomen area, bloating of the abdomen, pain during sex, pregnancy problems and they may sometimes lead to infections of the reproductive system. Painful menstrual periods are also common in women with endometriomas.

Benign cystic tumors, also known as cystadenomas, are also another type of ovarian cysts. They are generally non-cancerous. Unlike most cysts that are usually filled with liquids, these types are usually filled with fatty substances. They usually develop from cells located on the outer regions of a woman’s ovaries. Dermoid cysts, which are an example of a benign tumor, are usually filled with structures such as patches of skin, bone tissues and hair. They are usually small, although there are cases in which they can grown into extremely large cysts and thus making a woman’s life unbearable.

For women who find regular ovulation a rare occurrence, the risks of developing multiple cysts are usually high. This is a disorder of the female reproductive system which is characterized by a woman’s ovaries becoming enlarged and having many tiny ovarian cysts. This situation can be a result of a condition known as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Some of the symptoms of PCOS include increased bodily hair, infertility and irregular periods among others.

This is just but a summary of some of the types of ovarian cysts which you ought to know about. 

At least you are now a step closer to taking control of your reproductive health. Congratulations!