Dermoid Ovarian Cyst Complications

A dermoidovarian cyst is usually harmless. This is despite the fact that they usually contain almost any type of human tissue. This type of cyst on ovary is known to contain tissues such as well-formed human teeth, bone fragments, long strands of human hair, fragments of thyroid tissues and many other types of tissues that would not normally be found in other types of ovarian cysts. Since they usually never cause symptoms of ovarian cysts, they are usually only discovered during a routine pelvic exam.

There are however cases where complications of dermoid cysts arise. These complications usually arise in cases where the cysts on ovaries grow and develop to such an extent that they start interfering with the normal functioning of a woman’s reproductive system. Studies show that this growth of cysts on ovaries is usually fueled by the unhealthy foods most women consume and unhealthy lifestyles that they lead.

The twisting of dermoid ovarian cysts may occur. When this happens, blood flow to the ovaries may be interfered with. This is so mainly because the twisting may result in the constriction of blood vessels supplying blood to the ovaries. This twisting usually results in a lot of pain.  Where blood flow to the ovaries is interfered with, a woman will risk losing her ovary and thus making getting pregnant difficult or impossible. This is so because of the fact that a woman’s ovarian tissues may die and thus interfering with the process of ovulation.

Dermoid ovarian cyst rupture is another complication that can occur when the cysts on ovaries are not treated as early as possible. When a cyst ruptures, one usually feels a sharp abdominal pain. This is however not in all cases of ruptured ovarian cysts. A ruptured may also expose a woman to the risk of contracting an infection of the reproductive system.

This is mainly due to the fluid that is released into the internal parts of a woman’s reproductive system and organs that are adjacent to it. The rupturing of a dermoid cyst may also affect a woman’s ability to get pregnant especially if the burst that occurs negatively affects the ability of the ovaries to release the egg during the woman’s menstrual cycle.

Removal of theovarian cysts may be necessary where serious complications arise. Although the surgical removal of a dermoid cyst may not cause a woman to be infertile, there are cases where surgery results in the damage of a woman’s ovaries and thus causing permanent infertility. This is why a woman should always use natural methods of treating ovarian cysts to prevent their growth, development and the occurrence of extreme cases of ovarian complications.

Congratulations! By learning about dermoid ovarian cyst complications, you are now a step closer to taking total control of your reproductive health.