21 Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts Infographs

The following are 5 info-graphics on 21 ovarian cyst symptoms. 

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Option 1: 21 Symptoms of ovarian cysts with a white background

symptoms of ovarian cysts

Option 2: 21 Symptoms of ovarian cysts with a pink background

ovarian cyst symptoms

Option 3: 21 Symptoms of ovarian cysts

symptoms of ovarian cysts

Option 4: 21 Symptoms of ovarian cysts with yellow background

ovarian cyst symptoms

Option 5: 21 Symptoms of ovarian cysts with a white background

symptoms of ovarian cysts

Ruptured Ovarian Cyst Symptoms Saved This Woman's Life

An ovarian cyst rupture has severe symptoms. It causes excruciating abdominal pains, bloating, and abnormal bleeding. In some cases, it can also cause complications of the female reproductive system that lead to infertility, scarring of the uterus and in extreme cases: death. All these are things that a woman would not wish upon herself. But for Helen Clark, the symptoms of a ruptured ovarian cyst came as a blessing. They saved her life.

ovarian cyst rupture

As a nurse and an experienced fitness instructor, Helen Clark knew her body better than the average woman. She never thought that she could get anything wrong when it came to her body. But like most women, she mistook the signs of ovarian cancer for mild symptoms of complications of the digestive system.

It was only after an ovarian cyst rupture that she decided to go for a pelvic exam. And what she found out was something that she hadn't anticipated.

It turned out that what she thought were symptoms of an appendix anomaly were actually the early signs of ovarian cancer. The rupturing of the cyst in her ovaries was therefore a lucky break. Were it not for the extreme symptoms of a ruptured cyst, she might have never felt the urgent need to go for checkup. She might have discovered the presence of ovarian cancer when it was already too late.

"It didn't even cross my mind that it would be cancer but what turned out to be a burst ovarian cyst was then stage one ovarian cancer."

"I could see how easily my cancer could have been left until it was too late."

Thanks to the "accident" discovery, a surgical procedure for the removal of the cancerous cysts, and several rounds of chemotherapy, the 52-year-old nurse was able to get rid of the cancer. She now spends her time trying to raise ovarian cancer awareness.

If you want to learn more about your reproductive system, the following websites are a good place to start:

Ovarian cyst tips: Ovarian Cyst Miracle

Pregnancy tips and info: Pregnancy Miracle

Vaginal discharge and infections: Yeast Infections No More

10 Truths You Might Not Know About Functional Ovarian Cysts

functional ovarian cyst

1. Functional ovarian cysts are the most common types of cysts on ovaries

Studies put the percentage of women with functional cysts in their ovaries at between 70% and 80%. This means that 8 out of every ten women you know might actually be having cysts in their ovaries. But most of them may never know that they have them.

2. Functional cysts form as a result of the normal functioning of the female reproductive system

That is where they get their names from. Unlike non-functional cysts, they are not tumors that appear from nowhere. They usually form as a result of something going amiss during a woman’s menstrual cycle. This is one of the reasons why they are so common.

3. There are two types of functional ovarian cysts

The two main types of functional cysts that form on the ovaries are: follicular cysts and the corpus luteum cyst. The main difference between these two types of cysts lies in the different processes through which they develop in the ovaries

4. Follicular ovarian cysts are more common, and they form at an earlier stage

Follicular cysts usually develop when the follicle that is holding the egg fails to break, making it impossible for it to release the egg. Fluid then accumulates in the sac and thus forming a cyst on a woman’s ovaries.

5. Corpus luteum ovarian cysts develop at a later stage in the ovulation process

A follicle that has released an egg is called a corpus luteum. And when this structure fails to dissolve after releasing the egg, it sometimes seals, causing the accumulation of fluid inside it. This is how a corpus luteum ovarian cyst is formed.

6. Functional cysts usually shrink and disappear on their own

At least most of them do. This is why the majority of women never realize that they have cysts on their ovaries. Most discover their presence by accident, during a periodic exam.

This is also one of the main reasons why the wait-and-see method of treating ovarian cysts is sometimes reasonable. In short, not every type of cyst that forms on your ovaries should be removed.

7. They rarely cause any symptoms

Most functional cysts on ovaries are too small to cause any of the common symptoms of ovarian cysts. They are too small to interfere with the functioning of organs adjacent to the female reproductive system, and are also usually too small to significantly affect the functioning of the ovaries.

8. This does not mean that you cannot experience functional ovarian cyst symptoms

Most of them never cause any symptoms. That is because they rarely become large cysts. But when they do, ovarian cyst symptoms are usually inescapable. These symptoms include: bloating of the abdomen, nausea, pelvic pain, abdominal pain, increase in the frequency of urination, unexplained weight gain and irregular periods. Different women experience these symptoms differently. And this list is not exhaustive.

9. Functional cyst symptoms can be treated or managed by using home-made remedies for ovarian cysts

Natural home remedies work. They are effective when it comes to relieving pain from ovarian cysts. They have also proven to be effective in shrinking and getting rid of cysts on ovaries, including complex ovarian cysts.

10. Complications can arise from functional cysts

Sometimes, functional cysts do not disappear. They just keep getting bigger and bigger. And when they do, they can lead to a host of complications. These include: ovarian torsion, ovarian cyst rupture, infections, anemia (when a cyst ruptures causing excessive loss of blood), peritonitis, necrosis, infertility and preterm labor – just to name a few. Although these complications are rare, they sometimes occur.

Do you want to learn more about ovarian cysts? Go to the  Ovarian Cyst Miracle official website, its a good place to start

25 Ovarian Cyst Symptoms - Slideshow

25 ovarian cyst symptoms

Are you wondering whether you have ovarian cysts or not? Is your body behaving "unusually"? Well, it may be trying to tell you that you have cysts in your ovaries. The following is an exhaustive list of 25 ovarian cyst symptoms that you should look out for.

Symptoms of ovarian cysts continued:

Here are all the 25 ovarian cyst symptoms:

Spotting or bleeding between periods; Painful menstrual periods; Irregular menstrual cycles, Dull ache in the abdominal region; Bloating of the abdomen; Swelling in the abdominal region; Nausea and vomiting; frequent urination; painful bowel movements; Problems with conception; Complications when pregnant; Infertility in women; Painful sexual intercourse; Tiredness; Backaches; Breathing problems; Increased rate of growth of hair; Body and facial hair increase; Painful headaches; Pain in the breast region; Strange nodules under the skin, almost like bruises; Rib pains; Sudden unexplained increase in weight; Mental illness

If you want to learn more about ovarian cysts, try out the official Ovarian Cyst Miracle website

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