Chocolate Cyst: Diagnosis Of An Endometriod Ovarian Cyst

The development of a chocolate cyst is usually related to endometriosis. This type of ovarian cyst usually occurs as a result of the growth of endometrial tissues on the ovaries, something which happens as a result of having endometriosis. While there are times when an endometriod cyst can exist in a woman's ovaries without causing any symptoms, a chocolate cyst usually causes severe pain, bleeding, nausea, pain during sexual intercourse, an increase in the frequency of urination and where complications develop and the ovarian cyst ruptures, it can result in sepsis and shock, conditions which can sometimes cause death. Here is what you should know about the diagnosis and treatment of endometrioma.

The diagnosis of a chocolate cyst is no different from that of any other type of ovarian cyst. The examination is usually started by the doctor checking your medical history and may afterwards examining your pelvic region manually. This is a simple procedure that does not take a lot of time. A doctor may ask you questions relating to your symptoms, their severity and how often they occur and thus it is usually important to keep track of any symptoms you experience when having an endometriod cyst.

An ultrasound is an easy and effective way of detecting cysts and you may need one. A blood test is also usually necessary to confirm the presence of a chocolate cyst since some of the symptoms which a woman usually experiences when having this type of ovarian cyst are usually similar to those experienced when one is suffering from cancer or those experienced during pregnancy. Testing the blood for the presence of the antigen CA 125 will take you a step further in completing your diagnosis of endometrioma.

Given that there is always a likelihood of complications of an endometriod cyst developing, it is always advisable that you go for medical checkup as early as possible. This is because when diagnosed early, it is possible to prevent most of the complications of this type of ovarian cyst arising. Early diagnosis will also be helpful in management of any complications that arise as a result of endometrioma and thus will be useful in saving both the life and health of the affected woman.

Early diagnosis of a chocolate cyst will also be helpful in that it will provide a woman who is affected with more options as far as treatment is concerned. A woman's fertility can also be saved if the presence of this type of ovarian cyst is detected early enough since the damage done to the ovaries can be limited. One may also end up being treated with surgical procedures that are less invasive, something which may not be possible if severe complications of endometrioma have already developed.